URL: http://cuiwww.unige.ch/eao/www/Bertrand.html
Stephen D. Franklin,
Office of Academic Computing
University of
California, Irvine
Irvine, California 92717-2225
E-mail: franklin@uci.edu
Bernard Levrat, Ph.D.
Computer Science Department
University of Geneva
24, rue du Général Dufour
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
E-mail: Bernard.Levrat@cui.unige.ch
Keywords: education, WWW, World-Wide Web, interactive documents, answer analysis, assessment.
Mots-clés: éducation, WWW, World-Wide Web, documents interactifs, analyse de réponse, contrôle de connaissances
The content of the World-Wide Web is growing at a more rapid rate than any previous information dissemination mechanism, and the tools and techniques available for providing and accessing such content appear to be growing at only a slightly slower rate. The Web is now widely appreciated and deployed within the educational community as a multimedia document delivery mechanism. There is also growing awareness of its very substantial capabilities for interactive use, coupling the computational and information processing capabilities of local personal computers with those of larger shared-use systems.
It has long been recognized, within the computer-based learning community that the quality of computer-based educational material was highly dependent on the quality of the assessment of the learner. Indeed, good educational material needs to adapt to learners' misconceptions. One should thus develop and deliver interactive courses which go beyond multimedia course materials to incorporate assessment of student progress.
The first step beyond simple document delivery on the Web is the use of interactive forms and there are an impressive number of very good explanations of this capability. Most of these explanations, however, fall short of educators' expectations in two respects. First, they presume that the creation of a CGI-compliant program to handle the form input is a task the reader can reasonably undertake. Second, educationally effective feedback to the learner often must be based on input other than the learner's most recent response. In both these cases, though, providing tools and explanations of those tools oriented to the needs and understanding of educators can overcome these obstacles.
One way educators can incorporate interaction with the learner in the documents they author is through the use of special tools that allow for the automatic handling of answers to questions within Web documents. For instance, David A. Wheeler's Mklesson downloadable tool lets one add multiple choice questions at the end of a document, with a different link attached to each possible answer. While the merit of multiple-choice test is debatable, it is certainly true that these tools lower the technological threshold for producing Web-based materials by those instructors who value such testing and that these tools open the door to other uses of the Web as well.
A more educationally ambitious and effective collection of interactive techniques is facilitated by Neal M. Holtz's Tutorial Gateway, which lets one include questions involving multiple choice, true/false, single numeric, and single algebraic expression answers. Numeric and algebraic answers require form support in the WWW browser and the answer analysis involves a gateway program that will return an appropriate URL based on the answer.
It is however a common misconception that going beyond these answer handling techniques is much too difficult to be worth integrating in small scale educational material. Indeed, in spite of the fact that many educators recognize that certain objectives can only be reached by using open questions and free text answers, most people who tackle the problem of handling learner answers to questions consider that free text answer analysis is too complex a task to be manageable with current software technology, usually referring to artificial intelligence techniques to do lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis of the user input.
We will demonstrate further in this paper that reasonably simple techniques can achieve assessments protocols that do not allow the learner to guess likely answers from the questions that are formulated, thus ensuring a more reliable assessment of the learner's knowledge.
People tend to forget that rather simple pattern-matching techniques can be used to achieve free-text answer analysis with very reasonable effectiveness. For instance, the research group on computer assisted learning at the Computer Science department of the University of Geneva has developed, and used in stand-alone CBL programs, pattern matching tools (Franklin et al., 1985) that make it rather easy to specify, in a symbolic formalism, criteria for various anticipated answer categories. The "rules" used to specify answer analysis are stored separately from the actual educational material to ease translation and maintenance.
This answer analysis uses simple string comparison to determine if the user input (representing the student's response to a question) matches an expected response category as specified in the rules written by the designers of the material. These rules follow a syntax that can be easily mastered by teachers participating in the original design, or by those who may have to modify the rules to handle situations overlooked in the original design. The approach is easy enough to use to allow the educators to remain in control of all the various aspects that decide of the pedagogical value of the educational material.
Basically, the rule formalism allows the designers to specify combination of words that should or should not be found in the learner's answer. Lists of synonyms, as well as partial words can also be provided. A detailed description is available in the on-line documentation. We will therefore only examine here a simple example that is used to check if a learner answered something equivalent to "yes":
_YES_|_YEP_|_OK_|_RIGHT_|_FINE_|_YEA|_OF COURSE_|_SURE_|and|not|_NO_|_NOT_|N'T_In this notation, all the words that should be matched against the learner's answer are in upper case, the underline character stands for any character that is not a letter or a number, the vertical bar separates alternatives (equivalent to an or operator), and "|and|not|" is an operator indicating that none of the alternatives that follow should be found.
In spite of its simplicity, this approach gives astonishingly good results with carefully chosen questions and well thought rules for expected answers. Its integration to WWW-based material can be done in various ways. The tools based on this mechanism are meant to be used by document authors who want to include, in their documents, input fields that the document reader (the learner) can fill in, and that will lead to different other documents based on the (free text) input that the learner has given.
We have currently implemented two approaches involving server-side computing. Both approaches assume the use of a simple form with a text input widget for the learner input. The form contains the various analysis criteria and corresponding URLs in hidden fields. This information will be used by a cgi-bin script on an HTTP server to do the pattern matching and select the appropriate URL to send back a "Location:" reply to the WWW client that will, in turn, display the corresponding document.
Authors do not need to know how to put forms in their documents, as our tools will do it automatically for them. The author can specify the criteria that will be matched against the user input to classify this input in different categories. All the possible input that match a given category will trigger the same behavior, i.e. will lead to the same document.
In this model, we are making the assumption that a document will usually contain only one such text input form or, if the document contains more than one form, only one will be used at a time, leading to one of many possible successor documents, based on the category of the user input.
The two approaches we have implemented involve on-line form-based tools to automatically create such a user input form and embed it in an HTML document. An initial prototype assumed that all the information necessary to create the answer form (with hidden fields containing the criteria and the corresponding URLs) would be entered via an on-line form. This was easy to put in place, but was not very convenient for maintenance, as the content of the various fields of the form cannot be saved by the designers for later modification and thus have to be re-entered every time the designers decide to change the analysis criteria, unless the filled form is still available within the history cache of the Web browser.
The second prototype assumes that the criteria are prepared in a www-accessible file and that a form is mainly used to give the URL of the original document (in which an answer form must be embedded) and the URL of the criteria file. This makes it easier to update and maintain the criteria for a whole set of documents with embedded answer forms. When an educator uses this second prototype, providing the two URLs and the symbol used as a placeholder, the server fetches both the original document and the criteria file, finds the analysis patterns in the latter, replaces, in the original document, the placeholder with the form that the learner will see and that contains all the pattern matching information in hidden fields. The resulting document is then returned to the educator's browser, ready to be saved locally (e.g. using the File/Save As browser menu item) and integrated into a set of educational documents. When a learner uses the resulting document and fills in the form, the same pattern matching program is activated as with the first prototype.
As powerful an educational tool as server-side computing can be, it is not without its limitations. Network bandwidth and cumulative system load on a server required to meet non-trivial computational demands from multiple simultaneous requests can easily turn "interactive" into "slow batch processing." The situation is aggravated by the comparison with the speed of local processing and by the importance of predictable-time-to-respond in an important and extensive range of educational applications. Educators can always install the pattern matching software on their local WWW server, to be less dependent on some remote machine over which they have no control, but this raises portability issues that are not necessarily obvious to solve.
An alternative to the server-side pattern-matching approach described above is to use client-side computing to do all the pattern matching directly on the learner's machine. Similarly to the server-side approach, the pattern matching information would be embedded in the document displayed to the learner, but this time as parameters to an applet that will handle both the learner's input and the pattern matching. This solution would still require access to a remote server the first time the applet is loaded, but hopefully not the following times, assuming that the applet-capable browser caches it locally and reuses it whenever this same applet is used within other documents.
Implementing this client-side approach mostly consists in translating the pattern matching code to whichever programming language appears to be supported by the widest range of Web browsers. We are currently working on an implementation, based on the Ada to Java bytecode compiler from Intermetrics, that will be compatible with Java-enabled browsers. The cgi-bin script that currently substitutes a placeholder with an answer input form in a document, will simply be updated to embed an applet tag instead. The educators will not need to see any change in the way they prepare their documents, compared to the existing prototypes mentioned earlier.
Another major difference between the two approaches is the ability to time user input. With the server-side approach, a mechanism could be put in place to evaluate the time elapsed between the moment the document with the answer input form was sent to the learner and the time at which the answer is sent back by the learner, but it would be difficult, using the standard HTTP protocol, to modify the document seen by the learner without any learner intervention (the authors are, of course, aware of the Netscape server-push technique, but it is not a standard use of the HTTP protocol and it is not available with public-domain WWW server software). On the other hand, it would be fairly easy, with the client-side approach, to implement in the user input applet a specific behavior based on the time elapsed since the applet started. The respective advantages and disadvantages of both approaches can be summarized as follows:
advantages | disadvantages | |
server-side pattern matching |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
client-side pattern matching |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There is no need to choose between the two approaches. Indeed, it may be that one reverts to a server-based analysis if a client-side one is not possible. Or it may be that one falls back on client-side processing when server response is unacceptable. However, based on the above table, one can see that the two approaches are not completely equivalent and the choice an educator will make will depend on individual factors and the relative importance of the various advantages and disadvantages that we have listed.
Balancing technical capabilities and educational realities has never been an easy task. The World Wide Web has opened a range of educational opportunities unprecedented in their scale and scope. Appreciable progress has already been made and, looking ahead to new possibilities, we see the importance of integrating Web technology (and limitations) with the educationally-centered perspective that is created through a focus on specific curricular challenges.
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