Use of HTML Forms
for Complex User Interfaces
to Server-Side Applications

Bertrand Ibrahim, Ph.D.
Computer Science Department,
University of Geneva
24, rue du General Dufour
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

Fax: (+41 22) 705 7780
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Submitted to International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Special Issue on Innovative Applications of the World Wide Web

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It is now commonplace to use forms within HTML documents to have server-based applications interact with remote users. However, these forms are most of the time rather simple and only allow a one time interaction between the user and the application. Forms are nevertheless very versatile and can be used to build rather complex user interfaces to server-side applications that involve multiple interaction loops. In this paper we will describe how we used such forms to allow students to remotely control a symbolic debugger executing algorithms that are described in the on-line version of the book used in their data structure course. After describing in detail how the user interface is built and how the students can interact with it, we focus on the limitations of this approach and we see how this interface could be enhanced with the use of more recent developments such as applets.

1. Introduction

Educators are often interested in using the latest technology to help their students learn. It was therefore not very long after the appearance of graphical WWW browsers that educational material appeared on the Web. Initially, most people saw the Web mostly as a medium to share information worldwide and to link this information in a hypermedia structure. But the introduction of forms in the HTML syntax rapidly changed that point of view. Indeed, the Web became then an interactive medium that would take user input not just as a command to follow some hyperlink, but also to feed some server-side application with user-provided information.

Towards the end of 1993, we started a project that aimed at providing our first year computer science students with Web-based educational material that would help them with their data structure course. Our intent was to put the book used in this course [Ibrahim and Pellegrini (1989)] in a hypertextual form and allow the students to interactively "play" with the algorithms that were described in the book. The difficult part in the project was building a symbolic debugger that could be controlled through a Web-based user interface.

We presented a paper describing this project at the First WWW conference, at CERN, in 1994 [Ibrahim (1994)]. This first paper focused on the technical implementation details of the project, describing only superficially the user interface. The present paper will on the other hand only superficially discuss the implementation, focusing mostly on the use of forms to realize a complex user interface.

2. Implementation overview

For sake of simplicity, the implementation strategy that we chose was the following: the Pascal programs that we wanted to demonstrate to the students would be modified to include, between each original Pascal statement, a call to a special procedure that checks for breakpoints and possibly sends to standard output an HTML virtual document with a form that corresponds to the program state. Other special procedures have also been written to maintain a table of symbols for all the variables and formal parameters of the program so that their values could be included in the HTML virtual document. All these additional procedures are grouped in a separate module and can be reused for each new program that we want to demonstrate.

Since code fragments found in the book are very often incomplete programs, and given that we add procedure calls to the original code, we built a simple mechanism that allowed us to mark, in the final complete program, which lines were part of the book example, so that only these marked lines would be included in the HTML virtual document and displayed to the student.

When a student, reading the on-line version of the book, clicks on the icon beside a code fragment, the URL used does not actually correspond to an existing document, but rather activates the Pascal program that will return a form-based virtual document corresponding to the initial state of the symbolic debugger (Fig. 1). This form is the actual user interface through which the user will interact with the program.

Fig. 1: Initial document presented to the user.

The Pascal program runs as a separate process and remains "alive" even after it has sent the HTML virtual document. It just waits for the HTTP server to reconnect to it. The form sent to the browser includes, embedded in the action URL, the process number of the Pascal program, allowing the server to reconnect later to the program and send it the information gathered from the form. The program can thus resume its execution, based on the information provided by the user (breakpoints, variables to display, etc.). The HTTP server is thus just an intermediary between the user and the Pascal program.

3. Detailed user interface

When the symbolic debugger is first started, the user is presented with a form that contains various elements that provide information through various kinds of input widgets, and with most of which the user can interact (Fig. 1).

At the top of the window, there is a row of command buttons (Fig. 2) that allow the user to step through the execution of the program. At the time this project was implemented, "submit" buttons within HTML forms could not have names associated with each of them to differentiate them from each other. If we had used submit buttons, the program would not have been able to tell which submit button the user had pressed. We therefore used image maps, even though we were not interested in the coordinates of the mouse cursor within the button over which the user clicked. We merely wanted to tell over which button the user clicked. Input widgets of type "Submit" can now include a "name" attribute that would allow us to use them as command buttons instead of the image maps described above.

<input type="image" name="BoutonContinue" src=".../BoutonStep.gif">
<input type="image" name="BoutonContinue" src=".../BoutonContinue.gif">
<input type="image" name="BoutonReset" src=".../BoutonReset.gif">
<input type="image" name="BoutonRefresh" src=".../BoutonRefresh.gif">
<input type="image" name="BoutonQuit" src=".../BoutonQuit.gif">

Fig. 2: a) Image maps representing command buttons; b) HTML syntax for the widgets. The "Step" button advances the execution by one instruction; the "Go" button resumes execution till a breakpoint is met; the "Reset" button puts the debugger back to its initial state; "Redisplay Variables" makes the debugger refresh the display with possibly newly selected variables; "Quit" stops the Pascal program and returns the user to the book section from which the algorithm was started.

The code that is fed to the symbolic debugger and on which the user can operate is represented in the HTML virtual document as a multiple select input widget (Fig. 3). The code that is shown there is not a complete program, but rather a segment of code as it appears in the book used for this course. Since there is not much control one has over how a multiple select widget is displayed, we had to use some tricks to have the code appear the way we wanted it: the widget size is limited to 15 visible lines to have the same footprint on the screen regardless of the length of the code; the instruction at which execution will resume is preceded by -> while all other instruction and declaration lines are preceded by a sequence of underscore and space characters to give some indentation to the code. Indeed, web browsers ignore the leading spaces within multiple select widgets, which would have resulted in a completely not indented code if we hadn't used this stratagem.
(b) <select name="code" multiple size=15>
<option value="0002">_ _const
<option value="0003">_ _ _MaxNbSommets=15;
<option value="0006">_ _var
<option value="0069">->_ _CmptrVisite := 0;
<option value="0077">_ _ _ _ _end; { if }
<option value="0078">_ _end; { TriTopoInverse }

Fig. 3: a) Multiple select widget showing the code; b) HTML syntax for the widget.

This multiple select widget allows the user to tell to the symbolic debugger which variables to display and on which instructions to pause (breakpoints). The user just clicks on some of the lines to highlight or de-highlight them (Fig. 4). If a highlighted line contains a variable declaration, it will be interpreted by the debugger as a request to display the content of that variable. If the line contains an instruction, it means that a breakpoint should be set on that instruction.

Fig. 4: Selecting lines in the code widget defines breakpoints to stop at and variables to display.

Once the user has set some breakpoints and selected some variables, clicking on the "Go" button will cause the Pascal program to resume execution until one of the breakpoints or the end of the program is reached and then refresh the display by sending a new virtual document to the Web browser (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5: After the user presses the Go button, execution will resume till a breakpoint is found. In this example, execution stopped on the "for" statement.

Let's assume the student wants to see the content of one more program variable, without going any further in the execution of the program. This can be done by simply selecting one more line in the "code" area, in which the variable is declared, then click on the "Redisplay Variables" button. The symbolic debugger will then send a new document (Fig. 6) in which the newly selected variable appears, in addition to what was already showing in the previous document.

Fig. 6: The user selects one more variables and presses the Redisplay Variables button.

Program variables are displayed with their names followed by input widgets representing their values, so as to allow the user to change them. These values might not, however, be defined at the time the user asks for their display. In such a case, the value field for numerical or string variables will remain empty (Fig. 7), while undefined boolean variables will appear with a "-" value (Fig. 8). Once a value has been assigned to the boolean variable, the widget will only include the false and true options.
<img src="EmptyValueField.gif"><b>IndexSommet</b>
<input type="text" name="var0264" size=1 value="">

Fig. 7: a) Representation of an empty numerical value field; b) HTML code for the widget.

<select name="var0282" size=1>
<option selected>-

Fig. 8: a) Representation of an undefined boolean variable; b) set of values of the single select widget; c) HTML code for the widget.

An array variable is represented with its name followed by a multiple select widget showing its range of indices, allowing the user to select the indices for the array components that should be displayed (Fig. 9). Initially, the first three components are selected by default. The components are displayed, based on their types, like any variable of that same type would be.
(a)(b) <b>NumDOrdre</b>
<select name="sel0265" multiple size=2>
<option selected value="0266">[1]
<option selected value="0267">[2]
<option selected value="0268">[3]
<option value="0269">[4]
<option value="0270">[5]
<option value="0278">[13]
<option value="0279">[14]
<option value="0280">[15]

Fig. 9: a) An array is represented with a multiple select widget. b) HTML code for the array widget. c) By default, the first three components are initially displayed.

Records are displayed in a way very similar to arrays. The name of the variable is followed by a multiple select widget of size 2 showing the field names (Fig. 10). Each selected field is displayed based on its type as would a simple variable of that same type. By default the first three fields are initially selected.
<select name="sel0071" multiple size=2>
<option selected value="0072">.v
<option selected value="0073">.Next
<b>{ .v</b><input type="text" name="var0072" size=2 value="4">
<select name="var0073" size=1><option selected>nil

Fig. 10: a) Records are represented with a multiple select widget showing the record field names. Each selected component is then displayed based on its type. b) HTML syntax for the record and components widgets.

Pointers are usually not represented as such, except for null pointers that are represented by a single select widget containing the single value "nil" (see "Next" field in Fig. 10). When the user selects a pointer variable, it is the content of the pointed object that is displayed instead. For dynamic data structures based on a record type, the fact that the first three fields are pre-selected by default will often mean that the whole dynamic structure will be displayed whenever the user selects its head pointer (Fig. 11). In Fig. 11.a, "First" is a pointer, "First^" is a record with two fields, among which Next is another pointer. "First^.Next^" is thus displayed as a record with two fields. In this latter record, the Next field contains a null pointer and is thus displayed as a single select widget of size 1.
(b)<b>First ^</b>
<select name="sel0077" multiple size=2>
<option selected value="0078">.v
<option selected value="0079">.Next
<b>{ .v</b>
<input type="text" name="var0078" size=2 value="3">
<b>.Next ^</b>
<select name="sel0074" multiple size=2>
<option selected value="0075">.v
<option selected value="0076">.Next
<b>{ .v</b>
<input type="text" name="var0075" size=2 value="5">
<select name="var0076" size=1>
<option selected>nil
<b>} }</b>

Fig. 11: When a pointer variable (in this example, First) is selected, the whole chain structure is displayed, given that the referenced structure is a record with two fields, v and Next. a) Representation of the chain. b) HTML syntax for all the components.

Another element of the user interface is the call stack, displayed as a single select widget of size 1 (Fig. 12). Since most of the algorithms examined in the course are recursive, the user might want to (re-)examine the content of some variables at various levels in the call stack. By default, the debugger always displays variables as they are defined in the deepest call stack level. The user can however select another level and ask the debugger to redisplay the variables as they were defined at that level.
Contexte courant :
<select name="contexte" size=1>
<option value="0000">1: Programme principal
<option value="0260">2: TriTopoInv(13)
<option value="0297">3: Visite(1)

Fig. 12: a) The user can select from the call stack the context based on which values will be displayed. b) HTML syntax for the widget.

One last element of the user interface is the input/output window that appears as soon as the program executes a read operation on standard input or a write operation on standard output. This is actually implemented as a textarea widget that is added after the code multiple select widget (Fig. 13). More output is added to the textarea widget as output instructions are executed by the debugger (Fig. 14).

Fig. 13: The first time the program generates output, an input/output window is added beside the code widget.

Fig. 14: Program output gets added to the textarea widget as more output instructions are executed

4. Pros and cons of the Web-based user interface

Because of a lack of resources, the HTML version of the book is still not complete and there are for the moment only two algorithms that have been prepared for demonstration (see and The major advantages in having used a standard Web-based user interface are that the material is available to our students from almost any location on campus (or even off- campus), that it is usable on all the hardware platforms available regardless of the installed browser, and that it is easily combined with regular Web documents (indeed, all our installed WWW browsers fully support forms).

On the down side, the user interface suffers somewhat from some shortcomings of the HTML syntax. For instance, because of the current form model, it is not possible to tell to the browser which item in a multiple select widget should be at the top of the visible area (assuming that the widget has more items than its size allows to show), nor is it possible for the server-side application to know how far the user has scrolled through such a multiple select widget. This means that it is not possible to "refresh" the display in such a way as to have a specific interesting section of a multiple select widget automatically visible. For instance, in our case, we would have wanted the widget showing the Pascal code to automatically scroll so as to make visible the line where execution stopped.

More generally, many screen design issues are difficult to resolve since there is no fine control over the widget position in the display window. This is the price to pay for portability and device independence. Actually, had the HTTP protocol included the ability for the server to query the browser for its document window size, it would been possible to include in the server-side application more sophisticated layout mechanisms. At some early stage, we wondered whether our symbolic debugger should force a line break after each variable display widget to make the screen more readable. But we decided against it as screen real estate is sometimes quite limited on some platforms and adding line breaks might extend the length of the virtual document beyond the size of the browser's document window, thus forcing the user to often use the browser scrollbar. The problem is that most browsers are rather slow when they have to scroll documents that are heavily loaded with form widgets.

Other concerns with our approach are related to timing considerations such as response time depending on network load and server load. We haven't had the opportunity to test our demonstration programs from an off-campus site, but response times for an on-campus client are usually within one or two seconds, except for start-up time which is around 10 to 15 seconds. In relation to server load, we have integrated a timing mechanism in the Pascal programs that are launched by the server so that they automatically time out after a certain period of inactivity. Indeed, because of the statelessness of the HTTP protocol, we could not be sure that the "quit" command would always be invoked and we didn't want to have a multitude of processes indefinitely waiting until the user explicitly clicked on the "Quit" button.

5. Technological alternatives

If we were to do now this project again from scratch, we would have a much wider choice of implementation solutions. Basically, the most promising alternatives revolve around the use of applets. Indeed, various browsers support the embedding, within an HTML document, of a specific markup tag that makes reference to some piece of code accessible over the Internet, that will be downloaded by the browser and executed by a dedicated interpreter that is part of the browser itself. The interpreter enforces a strict security scheme that guarantees that the downloaded applet cannot do any harmful operation on the client machine without the user explicitly allowing it.

The most well known programming language for applets is Java, supported by both the Netscape browser and the HotJava browser. There is also an Ada compiler that can produce Java-compatible code. Less mature solutions include the SurfIt browser that can execute applets written in Tcl, and the Grail browser that can execute applets written in Python.

With all these alternatives, two main strategies can be deployed to use applets to implement an improved version of our symbolic debugger: the first strategy would still involve a server-side application, but a client side applet would allow us to implement a much more sophisticated page layout that would adapt to the characteristics of the client machine and make a more effective use of the screen real estate. This solution would also allow a substantial decrease in network traffic, as it would not be mandatory anymore to send the HTML code for the whole user interface after each interaction. Indeed, the server-side application could just send update information that the applet would use to change the content of the display. The second strategy would be to have the symbolic debugger run completely on the client machine as an autonomous applet. This latter strategy would offer the maximum flexibility, as it allows complete control of the screen layout and doesn't suffer from any network latency or server overload.

6. Conclusion

We have shown in this paper that HTML forms, as they are now supported in almost all WWW browsers, are a powerful enough mechanism to allow quite sophisticated Web-based user interfaces. We have described in detail how form widgets were used to build various user interface components and then analyzed the advantages and drawbacks of our approach. Finally, we tried to sketch out how more recent developments such as applets could be used to build even better user interfaces, without losing any of the advantages of the form-based solution.

7. References

Ibrahim, B. (1994). World-Wide Algorithm Animation. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 27 (1994), 255-265.

Ibrahim, B. & Pellegrini, C. (1989). Structuration des donnees informatiques, initiation et applications. Dunod informatique, Ed. Paris: Bordas. ISBN 2-04-018679-4

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