VP-SE Research
Group (C)
List of articles in English (reverse chronological order)
N.B. Please note that the articles accessible from this page are
available in both compressed (gzip-ed) and regular form. Both forms are HTML
documents, and if your viewer supports automatic
decompression, you will save network bandwidth by retrieving the compressed
form. Otherwise, retrieve the regular form.
Heuristics for Edge Drawing in a Graph-Based Visual Language;
Ibrahim, Bertrand;
Randriamparany, Honitriniela; Yoshizumi, Hidenori.
To appear in proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments
(HCC'01), Stresa, Italy, September 5-7, 2001.
Visual languages to bridge
the gap between software developers and their clients;
Ibrahim, Bertrand.
Special session on "Visual Languages for Universal Communication", 1st
International Conference on "Universal Access in Human-Computer
Interaction" (UAHCI 2001), New Orleans, Luisiana, 5-10 August 2001.
Seamless integration of control flow and data flow in a Visual
Language; Randriamparany, Honitriniela,
Ibrahim, Bertrand. ACS/IEEE International Conference
on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2001, Beirut, Lebanon, June
26-29, 2001.
An Execution model for the seamless integration of control flow
and data flow; Ibrahim, Bertrand;
Randriamparany, Honitriniela. ACS/IEEE International
Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2001, Beirut, Lebanon,
June 26-29, 2001.
Execution Semantics to Integrate Control Flow and Data
Flow; Ibrahim, Bertrand;
Randriamparany, Honitriniela. In proceedings of the
ISCA 16th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, Seattle,
Washington, USA, March 28-30, 2001, pp. 40-43.
version, 22Kb)
Seamless Integration of Control Flow and Data Flow;
Honitriniela Randriamparany,
Ibrahim, Bertrand. In proceedings of the ISCA
16th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications, Seattle,
Washington, USA, March 28-30, 2001, pp. 44-47.
version, 23Kb)
Improving Readability in a
Visual Language with a VLSI-Like Approach;
Ibrahim, Bertrand;
Randriamparany, Honitriniela; Yoshizumi, Hidenori.
In proceedings of the 2000
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL2000), Seattle, Washington, September
10-13, 2000, ISBN: 0-7695-0840-5, pp 69-70.
version, 28Kb)
Relevance of Graph-Drawing
Algorithms to Graph-Based Interfaces;
Bertrand Ibrahim, Honitriniela
Randriamparany, Hidenori Yoshizumi. In the proceedings of the
2000 International Working
Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Palermo, Italy, May 23-26,
2000, ISBN: 1-58113-252-2, pp 290-291.
version, 15Kb)
Parallel Application
Specification with the DIVA System;
Honitriniela Randriamparany,
Ibrahim, Bertrand, Hans Liesenberg. In proceedings
of the ACIS (International Association for
Computer and Information Science) First International Conference on Software
Engineering Applied to Networking and Parallel/ Distributed Computing (SNPD'00),
Reims, Champagne-Ardenne, France, May 18-21, 2000, ISBN: 0-9700776-0-2, pp
35-42. (PDF
version, 53Kb)
Solving the Spaghetti Plate
Syndrome in a Control-Flow Language with a VLSI-Like
Solution, Ibrahim, Bertrand;
Yoshizumi, Hidenori. In
1999 IEEE International
Symposium on Visual Languages, Tokyo, Japan, September 1999, ISBN:
0-7695-0216-4, pp 202-203.
version, 26Kb)
Semiformal Visual Languages,
Visual Programming at a Higher Level of Abstraction,
Ibrahim, Bertrand. In proceedings of the
Fifth Conference of the ISAS (Information
Systems Analysis and Synthesis) / The Third Conference of the SCI (Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics), Orlando, Florida, USA, July 31-August 4
1999, ISBN: 980-07-5916-6, pp 157-164.
version, 43Kb - presentation
slides, 25Kb)
representation of data types and data manipulations in a combined data- and
control-flow language, Bertrand
Ibrahim. In 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages, Halifax,
Canada, September 1998, pp. 262-269.
version, 50Kb)
Cut-and-Paste on Directed Graphs, with a User-Controlled Edge Reconstruction
Strategy, Bertrand Ibrahim.
In 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Visual Languages (VL'98), Halifax,
Canada, September 1998, pp. 90-91.
version, 25Kb)
Guest editor's Foreword,
Bertrand Ibrahim; -
Journal of Visual Languages
and Computing, June 1998 special issue on
Visual Navigation: Methods and Tools.
Optimizing Cut-and-Paste Operations in Directed-Graph
Editing, Bertrand Ibrahim -
HCI International
'97, August 24-29, 1997, San Francisco, California, USA, M.J.Smith,
G.Salvendy and R.J. Koubek, Editors. Elsevier, publisher, ISBN 0 444 82183
X, pp. 359-362.
version, 34Kb). The slides from my presentation are also available in
Postscript and
compressed Postscript versions.
Software Architectures
to Improve the Effectiveness of Reuse Techniques,
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; -
8th Annual Workshop
on Software Reuse (WISR8), March 23-26, 1997, Ohio State University in
Columbus, Ohio, USA.
version, 19Kb; TeX version).
Use of HTML Forms for Complex User Interfaces to Server-Side
Applications (compressed
version, uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim - in the International Journal
of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), No. 46, 1997, Special Issue on Innovative
Applications of the World Wide Web, Academis Press Ltd., pp 761-771.
version, 71Kb).
Free-Text Answer Analysis on the Web
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim; - in Revue Informatique
et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines (RISSH) journal, special issue
on "Internet and hypermedia systems", University of Liège, Joseph
Denooz, Editor, 1996, ISSN 0030-4972, pp 145-154.
Classification and Retrieval
of Software through their Description in Natural
Language, Maria del Rosario
Girardi, Ph.D. Thesis No. 2782, Computer Science Department, University
of Geneva, Switzerland, 1995.
Advanced Educational Uses of the World-Wide Web
(compressed version,
uncompressed version,
original version
on the conference server), Bertrand Ibrahim,
Stephen D. Franklin; - in Proceedings of
Third World-Wide Web Conference
- WWW'95, Darmstadt, Germany, April 10-14, 1995, special issue of Computer
Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 27, No. 6, Apr. 1995, ISSN 0169-7552, pp
version, 38Kb).
Using English to retrieve Software
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - The Journal of System and
Software, Special issue on Software Reuse, Vol. 30, No. 3, Sep. 1995, pp
version, 62Kb).
Pedagogical Value of the World-Wide Web
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim; - in Proceedings of the European
DELTA Conference "Telematics for Education and Training", Düsseldorf/Neuss,
24-26 November 1994, Paul Held & Walter F. Kugemann, Editors, IOS Press,
1995, pp 401-407. Also published in ALT News 08/94 (Applied Learning Technologies
in Europe), Nov. 94, pp 10-12.
version, 20Kb).
Note: this document requires a viewer that implements the HTML 3 "table"
Automatic indexing of software artifacts
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - Third International Conference
on Software Reusability, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1-4, 1994, Proceedings
William B. Frakes Editor, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California,
ISBN 0-8186-6630-7, pp 24-32.
version, 34Kb).
Note: this document requires a viewer that implements the HTML+ "table"
A Classification Scheme for Software Artifacts
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - Fifth ASIS SIG/CR (American
Society for Information Science, Classification Research workshop), Oct.
16, 1994, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
version, 11Kb).
Distance learning with the World-Wide Web
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim; - International Conference
on Open and Distance
Learning - Critical Success Factors, 10-12 October 1994, Geneva, Switzerland,
conference proceedings, Gordon Davies & David Tinsley, editors, ISBN
3-8229-9930-X, pp 123-126.
(Postscript version 13Kb).
A Similarity Measure for Retrieving Software
Artifacts (compressed
version, uncompressed
version), Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - Sixth International Conference
on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Jurmala, Latvia, June
21-23, 1994.
version 34Kb).
World-Wide Algorithm Animation
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim; - in Conference Proceedings
of the First World-Wide-Web conference, Geneva, Switzerland, May 25-27, 1994,
pp 305-316. Also published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 27,
No. 2, Nov. 1994, Special Issue, Selected Papers of the First World-Wide
Web Conference, pp 255-265.
version 42Kb).
A Software Reuse System Based on Natural Language
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - Fifth International Conference
on Computing and Information, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, May 27-29, 1993,
pp 507-511.
version 32Kb).
An approach to improve the effectiveness of software
retrieval (compressed
version, uncompressed version),
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - Proceedings of the 3rd Irvine
Software Symposium, Debra J. Richardson and Richard N. Taylor, editors,
University of California, Irvine, California, April 30, 1993, pp 89-100.
version 24Kb).
Increasing the Translation Power of a Courseware
Generator, Maria del Rosario
Girardi, Bertrand Ibrahim; - Proceedings
of the Computer Assisted Learning Conference (CAL '93), York, England, April
5-8, 1993, p. 174.
New Approaches for Reuse Systems
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Maria del Rosario Girardi,
Bertrand Ibrahim; - Position Paper Collection,
2nd International Workshop on Software Reuse (IWSR-2) Lucca, Italy, March
24-26, 1993.
version 13Kb).
Semiformal Visual Languages, a case study
version), Bertrand Ibrahim; unpublished.
Postscript version 21Kb).
The Irvine-Geneva Course Development System
(compressed version,
uncompressed version), Alfred Bork,
Bertrand Ibrahim, Bernard Levrat, Alastair Milne,
Rika Yoshii; Information Processing 92 (IFIP '92), Vol. II (R.M. Aiken, editor),
pp 253-261, Madrid, Spain, Sep. 7-11, 1992, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
(North-Holland), ISSN 0926-5473, ISBN 0 444 89748 8.
A Self-Instructional Mailer
version), Alfred Bork, Bertrand Ibrahim,
Birgit Laustsen, Bernard Levrat; Ninth International Conference on Technology
and Education, Conference Proceedings, Nolan Estes and Michael Thomas, Editors,
pp 871-873, Paris, March 16-20, 1992.
version 11Kb).
Alice in Authorland! (or is it Authors in
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim, Alfredo Fernandez-Valmajor,
Harald Mispelkamp, Giorgio Olimpo, Antonio Ulloa, Charles van der Mast, Martial
Vivet; - Worshop report, NATO Advanced Research Workshop: "Authoring Environments
for Computer-based Courseware", Maratea, Italy, 26-30 May 1991.
Graphics - Education, State-of-The-Art report
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
Bertrand Ibrahim; Eurographics Conference, Montreux,
Switzerland, September 1990.
version 94Kb).
Courseware CAD
version), Bertrand Ibrahim; in proceedings
of the IFIP fifth World Conference on Computers in Education, Sydney, Australia,
9-13 July, Anne McDougall and Carolyn Dowling, editors, North-Holland, 1990,
pp 383-389, ISBN 0 444 88750 4.
(Postscript version 20Kb).
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