Visual Programming and Software Engineering Group
How to use the WWW-based tool to create "smart documents"
Disclaimer: this tool is at an early prototype stage and is mostly
meant to be a proof of concept. Your comments are welcome.
The tool we are demonstrating is meant to be used by WWW document
authors who want to include, in their documents, input fields that the
document reader (the user) can fill in, and that will lead to different
other WWW documents based on the (free text) input that the user has given.
This tool is heavily based on forms. The author as well as the
reader of such "smart documents" will therefore need a form-capable
WWW browser. In spite of this, the authors do not need to know how to put
forms in their documents, as our tool will do it automatically for them.
The author can specify criteria
that will be matched against the user input to classify this input in different
categories. All the possible input that match a
given category will trigger the same behavior, i.e. will lead to the same
document. There is no limit as to the number of different categories.
The syntax of the criteria is rather simple and
allows the author to specify patterns to match against the user answer.
The mechanism is based on the detection of (possibly multiple) keywords
within a sentence, with the possibility to provide lists of synonyms and
to specify only partial words, and even to specify words that should not
be found in the sentence.
Here are the various steps involved in the creation and use of such
smart documents. It does not involve running a special HTTP server,
nor downloading a special program. Everything can be done via WWW, with a
regular browser supporting forms.
- The author first prepares the document that will contain the user input
field, putting a placeholder at the place where the input field will later
be automatically substituted. This document should be accessible on some
HTTP server to which the author has access. An
example of such a
document is available, in which the placeholder is the word
AnswerForm. This placeholder could be just any sequence of
- The author prepares the file containing the various criteria and the
association list relating each criterion with the URL of a document that
should be displayed when the criterion matches the user's input.
The format of the file is the following:
- Each criterion starts with
a line like
and ends with a
line like <<END CriterionName>>
. Between these
two delimiting lines, there can be any number of lines defining the
rules to match against the user's answer.
<<END No>>
- Similarly, an association list starts with a line like
(the same symbol as the one
used in the HTML document that will contain the user input form), and
ends with a line like <<END PlaceHolder>>
Between these two delimiting lines, there can be any number of lines
defining a "CriterionName-URL" pair. These lines must start with
CriterionName, which must be the name
of one of the criteria defined in the file. The criterion name is followed
by a space character and a URL.
Note: if the criterion name is missing (the line starts with a space
followed by a URL), it is assumed to be a "catch all" criterion, that is,
a criterion that always succeeds. This is meant to be the last line of the
list, to catch all possible unexpected answers.
<<END AnswerForm>>
- The author invokes the form in, and fills
in the details about his/her document:
- the URL of the original document in which a placeholder should be
- the URL of the file containing the various criteria with their associated
web documents,
- the placeholder that the author chose to put in the original document,
- the size of the input field that should be substituted to the placeholder.
There is
an example form that has been pre-filled to show how the form
should be filled. We suggest that you open another browser window on this
example form to try it while you keep on reading the present document (with
NCSA Mosaic, use the middle mouse button to follow a link to a document that
will appear in a new window. With Netscape 1, you will have to select the
File/New_Window menu item, then use the Go/Info_on_how_to...smart_documents
to see the present document in a second window, then follow the link to
the example form).
- When the author presses the Get me the final document button in the
form, the content is sent to a cgi-bin script named developer2.
- The developer2 cgi-bin script first checks that the document
containing the placeholder can be retrieved over the net, then checks that
the placeholder can be found in it. At each of these steps, an appropriate
error message is sent back if a problem occurs.
- The developer2 cgi-bin script then replaces the first occurence of
the placeholder in the original document with the HTML code for a form
that contains a text-input field, a "Continue" button, and hidden fields
containing the criteria found in the criteria file (also retrieved accross
the net). For the moment, no check is made to ensure
that the syntax of the
criteria is correct (this is a prototype).
Try clicking on the Get me the final document button in the second
window and see what you get.
- The resulting document is then sent to the author as a reply to the query.
- The author can try this resulting document right away to see if it behaves
as desired. If not, the author can update the criteria file and go back to
the form (using the
Back button of the WWW browser) to
get a new version of the resulting document.
Try entering something like "I use my hand
" or
"I use an instrument
", or even "I guess a
thermometer would do the trick
and see what reply you get (don't forget to type the Return key or to click
on the "Continue" button, and watch the document title of the reply, among
other things). Go back to the previous document and try to enter another
answer. Watch how you get each time a different reply (assuming that you
type a different answer each time).
- When the author is satisfied with the result, he/she can save the document
(in HTML form, of course) in a file that is accessible from his/her HTTP
server to make it available to other users.
- When a user reads this generated document and fills in the input field,
the content is sent to another cgi-bin script, named Analysis.
(You saw what happened when you tried typing in various answers)
- The Analysis cgi-bin script invokes our pattern matching program
which will tell which criterion was satisfied. If the pattern matching
works properly, the cgi-bin script will issue a "Location: ..." reply
with the URL of the document corresponding to the category of the user
input. This will cause the WWW browser to fetch that document automatically.
If, for some reason, the
pattern matching program chokes on one of the criteria provided by the
author, the cgi-bin script will warn the user, asking him/her to tell the
author about the problem.
The syntax is described in a separate document.
CGI-bin scripts used in this demo
The following scripts are written in
Developer's form handling used by a teacher to insert a user input
field in a document, with embedded answer analysis criteria.
Answer analysis, invoked when the user fills in the
user input field in the teacher's final document. It calls the Pascal
program that does the actual pattern matching
- http-query-setup.tcl is a Tcl script used by both scripts above.
You can install the developer's form handling script on your own WWW server,
if you want to have better response time. But you are welcome to use our
server too. As for the Answer analysis script, it wouldn't help to install
it on your server if you don't install at the same time the Pascal program
that does the pattern matching (see below).
Pattern-matching Pascal program
The pattern matching is done by a program written in Pascal, that works as
a filter: it gets from "standard input" a sentence followed by an arbitrary
number of patterns, and returns in "standard output" the number of the pattern
that matched (1 if first pattern matched, ..., n if n-th pattern matched,
0 if no match was found). You can either use the on-line version that we
put on the web, and that can be used from anywhere on the Internet even
if the documents that use it are on other servers, or, if you belong to an
academic institution and want it for non-profit use, you can get in touch
with us to get the
sources (~300 lines of code).
Our next step will probably be to translate the pattern
matching Pascal program into a Java applet that could run directly in
a (Java-enabled) browser.
Related work
As far as we can tell, previous work focusing on providing educators with
tools to embed answer analysis in WWW documents has been limited to
multiple choice questions, true/false questions, single numeric questions,
and single algebraic expression questions. We have found at least the
Additional reading
The following papers describe some aspects of the system:
- Free-Text Answer Analysis on the Web
(compressed version,
uncompressed version),
invited paper for the Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les
Sciences Humaines (RISSH) journal.
- Advanced Educational Uses of the World-Wide Web (compressed
version - uncompressed
presented at WWW'95, in
Darmstadt, published in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 27, No. 6,
Apr. 1995, ISSN 0169-7552, pp 871-877.
version, 38Kb).
If you would like to comment on or give us some suggestions about the
information we're providing, you can do so by following
this link
Bertrand Ibrahim
Last modification: April 12, 2000.
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