VP-SE Research Group (C)
Courseware CAD
Bertrand Ibrahim, Alain Aubord, Birgit Laustsen, Michael Tepper
IFIP fifth World Conference on Computers in Education, Sydney, Australia,
9-13 July, 1990.
Stream: Research on Educational Application of Information Technologies.
A Postscript version of this document can be found
Even though the creation of Computer Aided Learning software (CAL) is always done on a
computer, most development phases are still usually done with pen and paper. Authoring systems
generally tackle the "coding" phase, leaving aside the specification and design phases and often
imposing rather severe constraints on the users of such systems. The specification and design of
courseware is not an easy or very formal process. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
can nevertheless be very helpful in such an endeavor. We present here a whole development
environment that runs on a graphic workstation. It allows a team of teachers and pedagogues to
specify lessons graphically and then makes it easier for the team of programmers to translate these
specifications into programs that can run on different target machines. The specification uses a
very simple formalism and the programs are generated in a general purpose programming language
such as Pascal or Ada. This development environment includes, among other tools, a graphic script
editor, an automatic program generator, a synchronous multi-window editor to hand-code the parts
of the CAL program not generated automatically and a translation manager to help maintaining
translations of the lessons in different natural languages.
Software engineering, Automatic programming, Graphical specification, Development
environment, Courseware, Computer aided learning, CAL, Computer based learning, CBL.
1. Introduction:
The most common approach to the development of computer aided tutoring is to use an authoring
system. The problems with such a tool are that it is restrictive in what the developer can do and that
it is tailored for individual work. Recent research (Karr87) shows that general purpose (high level)
programming languages are still seen as the state-of-the-art for large scale quality courseware
development. Such large scale projects are the result of a collaboration between teachers,
pedagogues and programmers altogether.
Unfortunately, until now, very few tools exist to support large scale courseware development using
general purpose programming languages. Moreover, very little has been done to support the whole
development process of such software. There are however software engineering techniques
(Glin84, Raed85) already used in other fields of software development that can very usefully be
applied to courseware development.
Software CAD (Computer Aided Design) is an emerging paradigm of these very last years
(Smith86, Buhr89). It refers to automated software design techniques centered around wiring-
diagram-like graphical representation of software, with a supporting environment that allows for
automatic program generation and fast prototyping.
The project we describe in this document (Figure 1) is based on this paradigm and is the result of
a long experience in developing large computer aided learning (CAL) applications in a rather
traditional way. This project intends to tackle the software development life-cycle of CAL lessons
in order to allow the designers to concentrate on the pedagogical aspects of the lessons.
From the very beginning, we made the assumption that the development environment didn't need
to be the same as the runtime environment. As a matter of fact, the needs of the designers and
coders during the development phases are quite different from the needs of the learners using the
final product. It follows from this that the development environment is targeted to run on a large
screen graphic workstation when the environment of the learner is more modest and runs on PC-
like machines.
Since teachers do not necessarily have a background in programming, it is essential that the tools
made available to them to specify and design a lesson be as simple and close to their "universe" as
possible. There are different phases in the development of CAL software and teachers or
pedagogues are needed in only a few of them. They shouldn't need to be involved in the
programming phase and yet a certain continuity is needed from the specification and design phase,
then the programming and debugging phase, to the field tests and final use, including reviews all
along the development process.
This continuity is ensured by a document that describes in a very detailed way what can happen
during the learning process. This document, we call it a scenario or a script, can be considered as
a semi-formal specification of the software that will be built thereafter.
2. Design phase:
The formalism we use in a scenario has been developed by Prof. A. Bork's team (Bork86) at the
University of California, Irvine. It allows a complete and detailed description (partially in natural
language) of a lesson. Since a good CAL lesson is mainly a dialog between the learner and the
computer, the major building blocks of the scenario deal with program output, user input and how
the program should respond to user input. All other operations are indicated in free text as
instructions to the coder.
This specification formalism is a kind of graphical language. It is precise enough to give an exact
description of the behavior of the final product, i.e. the lesson. It is built on just three basic
primitives: text that has to appear on the screen, instructions to the coder (in natural language) and
predicates (generally corresponding to answer analysis criteria). The specification of a lesson can
thus be represented as a directed graph, in which each node corresponds to one of the three basic
primitives and where the edges indicate the sequencing of operations (Figure 2). Text to be
displayed is written in an ellipse, instructions to the programmer are between curly brackets and
predicates are inside rectangular boxes.
The quality of a CAL lesson highly depends on its non-linearity, i.e. its ability to adjust its behavior
to the learner's profile. This non-linearity is achieved by using cascades of tests (predicates) to be
applied on the learner's answers to questions or on his actions following a task assignment. For
more non-linearity, edges originating from a test box are labeled with a number or an interval. At
runtime, a counter is associated with the test box. This counter will be incremented each time the
criterion specified in the box has been satisfied. The corresponding edge will be followed
depending on the value this counter has. Complementary predicates can be put in sequence (like
IF THEN ELSIF instructions). If the criterion is satisfied, an edge on the side is followed; if it isn't
satisfied, the criterion just below (if present) is then evaluated, and so on. If none of the criteria
apply to the user input, the edges originating from the bottom of the last box indicate the actions
to be taken in such an unanticipated case.
This formalism does not prejudice who, of the learner or the computer, has control of the other. It
has been used to specify very different kind of lessons, ranging from mastery learning tutorials to
microworlds with embedded tutoring as well as self-instructional software.
In our environment, a scenario is built using a script editor. The script editor is essentially a graph
building editor in which the basic primitives correspond to the formalism we have just described.
It is used to interactively enter the detailed specification of a lesson.
Using a mouse and keyboard interface, the designers specify each step of the lesson one by one,
edit the textual content of each step and add or change sequencing links as they wish. These links
are shown on the graphical representation as arrows, but are not considered by the script editor as
simple objects. The user of the script editor can indeed use them to move along the script. He just
has to select an arrow on the graph and pick the jump to arc origin or jump to arc end items in the
menu to display what is at the beginning or end of a given edge.
As this example shows, the script editor is not just a simple graphic editor. It has knowledge of the
structural aspect of a script and, as such, disallows most meaningless operations and offers a few
primitives that help the designers check the consistency of their work. There is, for instance, a
validation primitive that checks among other things that every step of the script is reachable and
that there is no gap in the labelling of the edges originating from a test box.
3. Prototyping phase:
As we said earlier, the specification we get from the design phase is not purely formal. It includes
what we call instructions to the coder that are written in natural language, without any restriction
on what they can contain. It is therefore out of question to hope that the environment will ever be
able to generate automatically the code for all such elements of the specification. Answer analysis
criteria may also be specified in a rather informal way and are thus difficult to generate
automatically too.
It is however relatively easy to generate code for the formal part of the specification, i.e. the
messages and the sequencing of operations. The environment includes for this purpose an
automatic program generator that translates the script into a program written in a high level
programming languages such as Ada, Modula 2, UCSD Pascal, or Turbo Pascal. This tool can be
seen as a graphical compiler that transforms a graphical representation of a lesson into an
executable program. The target language can be chosen according to what is available on the target
machine on which the code will be running.
Since the specification is not purely formal, the automatically generated program does not totally
implement it. However, this is not a problem. A node of type message is translated into a call to
the text display primitive with the name of the corresponding message as parameter. A node of type
test is translated into a call to a boolean function whose body will be defined in a separate module.
A node of type instruction to the coder is translated into a call to a procedure whose body will also
be defined externally in a separate module.
Even though the body of a procedure corresponding to an instruction to the coder will later have
to be "hand-coded", the automatic program generator initially generates a dummy body that
displays on screen the text of the instruction. Similarly, the body of a boolean function
corresponding to an answer analysis criterion will initially prompt the user for the value the
function is supposed to return.
This means that the automatically generated program can already run as is on a target machine
without any need for coding. Its behaviour will not fully correspond to the specification, but it will
already give a rough idea of how the final product will look like.
Running this program on a target machine allows the designers, already at this early stage, to
review the text as it is displayed on screen, to work on and tune the screen design and to test the
different paths the learner can follow depending on his actions or answers.
As an alternative to program generation, we have contemplated a direct interpretation of the script
on the development machine. This solution looks appealing but it is however not as easy to
implement as it might seem at first. It indeed implies among other things that one emulates the
screen and window management of the target machine on the screen of the development machine.
On the other side, the choice we made, i.e. generate source code that will be compiled on the target
machine, has the advantage of integrating the prototyping and coding phase.
4. Coding phase:
The code produced during the prototyping phase includes dummy procedures and functions in
separate modules corresponding to the instruction to the coder and to the test elements of the script.
The task of the programmers is then to replace these dummy bodies with code that really does what
the designers asked for.
One major problem in using code produced by an automatic program generator is that this code is
hardly readable by a human being. Most of the symbols used in the code are generated by rather
simplistic algorithms and are thus quite cryptic. Isolating the parts that have to be "hand-coded" is
already a step in the good direction since the programmers will not have to deal with the
automatically generated code.
The use of a modular target programming language is essential here. It allows a complete
separation between the automatically generated code and the code added by the programmers, so
that the programmers do not need to modify the code produced by the automatic translation.
Programming a procedure when one is not able to see how it fits in the whole application is not an
easy task. The programmers can therefore use a specific tool of our development environment to
write their code. This tool, a synchronous multi-window editor, allows a programmer to complete,
in one window, the automatically generated code corresponding to the part of the script that is
showing in another window. The idea is to have different windows show the different aspects or
views of the same thing : a regular text editor in one window to edit one of the separate modules
that have to be hand-coded and the script editor in another window to show the corresponding
Any script window can be synchronized with a module window, or vice-versa. The script window
is read-only in the sense that one can only issue positioning commands in it. One can enter
positioning commands in any of the windows and ask for the other window to "synchronize", i.e.
show the corresponding part of the view it handles. The programmer can thus very easily see, write
or modify the code corresponding to a specific part of the script, by finding the location in the script
window and then asking for the module window to synchronize, i.e. show the code for that part of
the script. One can also find a specific location in the code (e.g. where an error occurred) and then
ask for the script window to synchronize, i.e. show the part of the script that is the specification of
the corresponding code.
One can have more than one pair of script-program windows at the same time. With this tool, the
programmer can always see the specification at the same time as the code he is working on. This
specification (the script) should help him understand and manage the code, since it can be seen as
a human readable documentation of the code.
5. Debugging and maintenance phase:
Another problem that could arise from the approach we have taken is related to the fact that the
development machine is not the same as the machine on which the CAL program will run. If there
is an error in the code written by the programmers, it is on the target machine that it will show up.
For this delicate phase, the environment includes a remote supervision tool. It is a program that
runs on a development machine at the same time as a lesson is running on a target machine
connected to the same local area network (LAN). This tool is used to follow on the development
machine the execution of the CAL program. To do this, the automatic program generator has to
include, in the code it generates, instructions to send on the network. The informations sent indicate
which program is running, which step of the script is currently being executed and possibly the
name of the learner (e.g. for automatic curriculum).
The remote supervision tool can thus directly show on the script (which is a human readable
specification of the lesson) where in the lesson the target program is. It allows a programmer to
find much more easily where in a lesson a given error occurred. The synchronous multi-window
editor can then be used by the programmer to move directly to the code that generated the error and
correct it.
A similar mechanism makes it possible to collect automatically statistics on the learning process,
once the CAL program is operational. The analysis of these statistics is useful for the designers of
a lesson to review the pedagogical design. This review can then be carried out with the script editor.
6. Translation phase:
In a country that has four official languages it appears natural for us to want to have the dialogues
of the CAL programs we develop be translated in different languages. That is why there is in our
view another rather important phase: the translation of the dialogues (Frank85, Ibra86). Indeed, all
the CAL software we develop is intended to be easily translated into different languages using the
Latin alphabet (with some variants for accented letters). This translation phase can happen before,
as well as after, design reviews. Therefore, it implies using an editing tool that also has the
functionalities of a version manager to handle a database of updates.
We indeed make the assumption that there will not be a canonical language in which the design
and all the reviews would be made and from which translations will be made. It may in fact very
well happen that the design be done using, for instance, English, then have the lesson translated to
French and Italian. Any of these three versions can then be edited with the script editor because
some field test has shown a modification to be desirable. The problem is then to make sure that all
versions are up-to-date.
In order to help to maintain the coherence of the different translations, a multi-window editing
utility manages the modifications that are made to the messages. This tool maintains a database of
modifications for the different message files, allowing the person(s) in charge of the translation to
find directly the places that need to be updated, showing in a window the original message in the
initial language, in another window the updated version of the message for this same language, in
a third window the translation of the original message and, in a fourth window, the user can enter
the update for the translated message. Only the fourth window is active, i.e. it is the only one in
which the user can apply a modification. The other windows are passive (read only), but all four
windows are synchronized and moving to a specific message in any of them generates a similar
move in the other ones.
This tool is separate from the script editor since it has to be used by different persons. The
translations will indeed not be done by the original designers, but rather by people proficient in
both the original and target languages. The translation manager has nevertheless to be coupled with
the script editor in the sense that it has to know which changes have been made with the script
editor on one version of the messages in order to be able to indicate to the translators where to make
updates in the other versions.
7. Future extensions
Even though the development of this environment is not yet complete, we are already working on
extending its capabilities. As the reader may have noticed, the specification formalism we use is
open ended, in the sense that it allows the designer to give part of the specification in natural
language (as instructions to the coder). In the first phase, we designed the automatic program
generator so that it takes care only of the display of the messages and of the sequencing of the
operations. The instructions for the coder are, for the moment, translated into a procedure call and
the answer analysis criteria into function calls. These procedures and functions are in a separate
module and their body must be written by a programmer.
In a second phase, we intend to augment the translation capabilities of the automatic program
generator by using artificial intelligence techniques, i.e. knowledge acquisition and generalization
techniques. It will try to detect similarities between different instructions to the coder and query
the programmer for a predicate, allowing the generator to associate specific parameters to each
instruction to the coder.
Another extension we have in mind for this project is to use groupware techniques for the design
phase. We indeed generally have more than one designer work on the development of the same set
of lessons at the same time and we often have different people do the reviews. It would therefore
be useful if the environment could support such team work either by allowing different people on
different workstations to work on the same script at the same time (distributed work) or different
reviewers to annotate the original script without changing it in the absence of the designers
(asynchronous work).
8. References
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