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Advanced browsing Advanced browsing
Resources whose primary purpose is to improve selection and readability of information.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 計算與電腦科學, 資訊與圖書管理.
Chinese Studies - Libraries and Library Resources Chinese Studies - Libraries and Library Resources
This Library isin the process of being republished. The currently available (old) edition nevertheless still has useful links. Users are encouraged to submit materials for the forthcoming version.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 亞細亞研究, 資訊與圖書管理.
Electronic Journals Electronic Journals
Links to electronic journals in all subjects.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Electronic References and Scholarly Citations of Internet Sources Electronic References and Scholarly Citations of Internet Sources
The purpose of this document is to keep track of materials dealing with the emerging standards for electronic references and scholarly citations of Internet Sources in both paper and online publications. The links that are provided here constitute an edited selection from the full range of sites currently available on the Web.
請參閱: 計算與電腦科學.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Evaluation of Information Resources Evaluation of Information Resources
This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet. It is intended to be particularly useful to librarians and others who are selecting sites to include in an information resource guide, or informing users as to the qualities they should use in evaluating Internet information.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
General Reference General Reference
General encyclopaedic works; Dictionaries, glossaries, lexicons, thesauri, quotations; Biographical Sources, Who's Who, dictionaries of biography; Geographical Sources, gazeteers, atlases, countries, regions, landforms; Statistics, international organizations, national sources; Almanacs and yearbooks,current and historical; Directories and Indexes.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
German Subject Catalogue German Subject Catalogue
The subjects listed cover German resources only. (Die oben angeführten Gebiete beziehen sich auf deutsche und deutschsprachige Datenquellen.) There are English and German versions of the Index, but the links are to external sites in German.
德語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Information Design Information Design
Information Design is the practice of collating, packaging and displaying information in such a way as to communicate and meet the needs of the user, for intended purposes. It uses effective design principles, for offline and/or online presentation, in order to understand the essence and meaning of the professed information. Information design practices takes graphic design principles and applies and integrates it with text.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 人口與發展研究, 資訊與圖書管理.
Information Quality Information Quality
This set of pages keeps track of online resources relevant for evaluation, development and administration of high quality factual/scholarly networked information systems.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Knowledge Management Knowledge Management
KMNetwork and the WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Published Subjects Published Subject Indicators
PSIs are a “URI-based method of identifying subjects of discourse … of particular interest to publishers and users of ontologies, taxonomies, classifications, thesauri, registries, catalogues, and directories, and for applications that capture, collate or aggregate information and knowledge”.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 計算與電腦科學, 資訊與圖書管理.



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